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We solve water issues.

The University of Nevada's Global Water Center is a response to societal demands for creative, integrative approaches in solving complex issues related to water resources. The Center's mission is to translate science into actionable solutions accessible to stakeholders; develop a multidisciplinary, cooperative effort to solve water issues; and create novel, "high tech" tools (drones and models) to predict future conditions of water resources.

Our core approaches to solving issues include:

Developing consensus-based solutions by creating and promoting partnerships across institutions (universities, government and nongovernmental organizations, and private industry) that solve water resource management issues, Acting as an "honest intermediary" where information is transferred across institutions, promoting environmentally sustainable and economically favorable strategies for managing water resources, Nurturing the next generation of problem solvers that want to reach "beyond the ivory tower" to foster collaborative approaches to conserving water resources, and Showcasing successful products, strategies, and models that facilitate solutions to water problems

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