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Welcome to the History Department at the University of Nevada, Reno and our website. We are an ambitious department at an expanding research university. Our award-winning faculty is a diverse group of talented scholars whose research and teaching explores innumerable facets of human experience over millennia. Our strengths as a department include American, European, Asian, African, and Latin American history, and our areas of study range from ancient to medieval, and early-modern to modern time periods as well as Digital/Public history. These fields constitute the major features of our undergraduate and graduate training. We offer a wide array of undergraduate courses ranging from small, in-depth seminars to larger lecture classes and surveys. Our history majors immerse themselves in primary research and each year our students produce excellent senior theses on the focus of their research. We offer a Master’s and doctoral degree in History as well as a Master’s degree in Teaching History. We have established on-going relationships and collaborations with the Washoe County School District, the Nevada Museum of Art, and the Newberry Library, in Chicago. We also house the Shared History Program, northern Nevada’s premiere public and oral history program. As part of our dedication to wider university and public engagement, the Department of History also hosts lectures, conferences, and special events for scholars and the general public throughout the academic year.

Theses and Dissertations for History

Posters for History

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Recent Submissions