Sagehen Creek Experimental Station hydrological and micrometeorological data Metadata: Identification_Information Data_Quality_Information Entity_and_Attribute_Information Identification_Information: Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Petersky, Rose S. Originator: Harpold, Adrian A. Publication_Date: 2018 Title: A Long-Term Micrometeorological and Hydrological Dataset Across an Elevation Gradient in Sagehen Creek, Sierra Nevada, California Publication_Information: Publication_Place: Reno, NV, USA Publisher: University of Nevada Reno ScholarWorks Online_Linkage: Description: Abstract: We compile and release ~55 years of daily and ~20 years of hourly Micrometeorological and hydrological data from Sagehen Creek a 28 km〖^2〗 watershed with observation sites spanning 1771 to 2670 m. A USGS gauging station measures streamflow at the catchment outlet. There are three Snow Telemetry (SNOTEL) stations: Independence Camp(2128 m), Independence Creek (1962 m) and Independence Lake (2541 m) that measure hourly precipitation, temperature, soil moisture (at 5, 20, and 50 cm), as well as daily snow water equivalent (SWE) and snow depth. A new method was used to estimate hourly precipitation data using quality controlled daily totals. A NOAA cooperative observer (COOP) station measures daily precipitation, temperature, SWE, and snow depth from 1953-1997 and then measures hourly precipitation, temperature, SWE, and snow depth, relative humidity, and solar radiation from 2001 through 2017 2001-present. There are an additional three towers with data beginning in 2009 measuring snow depth, SWE, solar radiation, barometric pressure, precipitation, relative humidity, and temperature: Tower 1 (1934m), Tower 3 (2114 m), and Tower 4 (2350 m). Wind speed, temperature, and relative humidity measured at 7.6 and 30.5 m at each site. Data from all stations were checked for poor QA/QC and substantial and sophisticated gap-filling techniques were deployed. This dataset holds potential for improving understanding of orographic processes and their implications for streamflow generation in a groundwater-dominated watershed. Purpose: To create a continuous dataset subject to QA/QC and gap fill methodology for Sagehen Creek watershed, which allows for this dataset to be usable for long term hydrological and micrometeorological studies in this watershed. Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Range_of_Dates/Times: Daily Data: Beginning_Date: 1956-10-01 Ending_Date: 2017-09-30 Hourly Data: Beginning_Date: 1997-10-01 Ending_Date: 2017-09-30 Currentness_Reference: Ground condition Status: Progress: In work Maintenance_and_Update_Frequency: As needed Spatial_Domain: Description_of_Geographic_Extent: Sagehen Creek watershed has a drainage area of 28 km2, has an average slope of 15.8 % and spans an elevation range of 2655 m at its highest point to 1930 m at the USGS gauge. It is located in the Sierra Nevada mountain range about 318 km northeast of San Francisco. Bounding_Coordinates: West_Bounding_Coordinate: -120.323075 East_Bounding_Coordinate: -120.191544 North_Bounding_Coordinate: 39.491863 South_Bounding_Coordinate: 39.379947 Keywords: Theme: Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: None Theme_Keyword: air temperature Theme_Keyword: snow depth Theme_Keyword: snow water equivalent Theme_Keyword: precipitation Theme_Keyword: solar radiation Theme_Keyword: wind speed Theme_Keyword: barometric pressure Theme_Keyword: relative humidity Theme: Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: ISO 19115 Topic Category Theme_Keyword: climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere Theme: Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: National Research & Development Taxonomy Theme_Keyword: Climate Change Theme_Keyword: Climatology Theme_Keyword: Ecology, Ecosystems, & Environment Theme_Keyword: Natural Resource Management & Use Theme_Keyword: Climate change effects Theme_Keyword: Hydrology Theme_Keyword: Water Place: Place_Keyword_Thesaurus: None Place_Keyword: Sagehen Creek Place_Keyword: Sagehen Creek Watershed Place_Keyword: University of California Berkeley Place_Keyword: Sagehen Creek Experimental Station Place_Keyword: Truckee River Watershed Place_Keyword: Truckee, California Place_Keyword: California Access_Constraints: None Use_Constraints: Creative Commons 3.0 License Point_of_Contact: Contact_Information: Contact_Person_Primary: Contact_Person: Dr. Adrian Harpold Contact_Organization: Nevada Mountain Ecohydrology Lab Contact_Address: Address_Type: mailing address Address: 1664 N. Virginia Street City: Reno State_or_Province: NV Postal_Code: 89557-0186 Country: USA Contact_Voice_Telephone: (775) 784-6759 Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: Browse_Graphic: Browse_Graphic_File_Name: \Sagehen_Sitemap.pdf Browse_Graphic_File_Description: Digital elevation model overlaid with streamflow instruments, snow telemetry (SNOTEL) stations, western regional climate center (WRCC) co-operative stations, micrometeorological towers, and the Sagehen Creek watershed boundary Browse_Graphic_File_Type: PDF Data_Set_Credit: This project was partially funded by the Desert Research Institute and partially funded from NASA EPSCOR cooperative agreement no. NNX14AN24A. Data_Quality_Information: Attribute_Accuracy: Attribute_Accuracy_Report: Outlier/error values varied by instrument type and occurred due to various factors including instrument dysfunction, illogical values, or failed consistency. Erroneous values were determined using thresholds of what is considered realistic ranges for the region where Sagehen Creek is located. These values were replaced with NaN values, which were then gap-filled if data was available with either linear interpolation or data from other stations (see process notes). Outliers were only excluded if they were excessively unrealistic (e.g. a 30 C average temperature recording in December) Study instruments have not been tested. The following instruments were used for data collection: SNOTEL station 539: Precipitation was measured using Gauges with a 30.5 cm orifice from an unarchived brand (Serreze et al., 1999) from the late 1970s to the early 1990s. This was replaced with a 100 in. CIC Transducer in 1993 (CIC Klaus Czerwonka, Wessiach, Germany), which was replaced with a 100 in. Sensotec transducer in 1994 (Honeywell International Inc., Columbus, OH, USA), which was, in turn, replaced with a 100 in. Druck transducer in 2015 (General Electric, Boston, MA, USA). Snow depth was measured using an acoustic snow-depth sensor (Judd Communications-TM LLC, Salt Lake City, UT) beginning in 2001. Temperature was measured with a Ysi standard range sensor from 1978 to 2005, when it was replaced with a Ysi extended range sensor (YSI Inc. Yellow Springs, OH, USA). Snow water equivalent was measured using a three cell snow pillow (Mendenhall Manufacturing, McClellan, CA). Soil moisture was measured using 4.5 v Stevens Hydraprobes at 5, 20, and 50 cm at all SNOTEL stations (Stevens Water Monitoring Systems Inc., Portland, OR, USA). Temperature measurements were logged as daily/hourly averages; precipitation, snow depth, and snow water equivalent were logged with their end-of-day amounts Data has undergone QA/QC using the standards from the SNOTEL handbook and is manually checked for accuracy annually. SNOTEL station 540: Precipitation was measured using Gauges with a 30.5 cm orifice from an unarchived brand (Serreze et al., 1999) from the late 1970s to the early 1990s. This was replaced with a 100 in. CIC Transducer in 1993 (CIC Klaus Czerwonka, Wessiach, Germany), which was replaced with a 100 in. Sensotec transducer in 1993 (Honeywell International Inc., Columbus, OH, USA), which was, in turn, replaced with a 100 in. Druck transducer in 2017 (General Electric, Boston, MA, USA). Snow depth was measured using an acoustic snow-depth sensor (Judd Communications-TM LLC, Salt Lake City, UT) beginning in 1999. Temperature was measured with a Ysi standard range sensor from 1978 to 2005, when it was replaced with a Ysi extended range sensor (YSI Inc. Yellow Springs, OH, USA). Snow water equivalent was measured using a three cell snow pillow (Mendenhall Manufacturing, McClellan, CA). Soil moisture was measured using 4.5 v Stevens Hydraprobes at 5, 20, and 50 cm (Stevens Water Monitoring Systems Inc., Portland, OR, USA). Temperature measurements were logged as daily/hourly averages; precipitation, snow depth, and snow water equivalent were logged with their end-of-day amounts Data has undergone QA/QC using the standards from the SNOTEL handbook and is manually checked for accuracy annually. SNOTEL station 541: Precipitation was measured using Gauges with a 30.5 cm orifice from an unarchived brand (Serreze et al., 1999) from the late 1970s to the early 1990s. This was replaced with a 150 in. CIC Transducer in 1993 (CIC Klaus Czerwonka, Wessiach, Germany), which was replaced with a 100 in. Sensotec transducer in 1993 (Honeywell International Inc., Columbus, OH, USA), which was, in turn, replaced with a 150 in. Druck transducer in 2017 (General Electric, Boston, MA, USA). Snow depth was measured using an acoustic snow-depth sensor (Judd Communications-TM LLC, Salt Lake City, UT) beginning in 1998. Temperature was measured with a Ysi standard range sensor from 1978 to 2004, when it was replaced with a Ysi extended range sensor (YSI Inc. Yellow Springs, OH, USA). Snow water equivalent was measured using a three cell snow pillow (Mendenhall Manufacturing, McClellan, CA). Soil moisture was measured using 4.5 v Stevens Hydraprobes at 5, 20, and 50 cm (Stevens Water Monitoring Systems Inc., Portland, OR, USA). Temperature measurements were logged as daily/hourly averages; precipitation, snow depth, and snow water equivalent were logged with their end-of-day amounts Data has undergone QA/QC using the standards from the SNOTEL handbook and is manually checked for accuracy annually. WRCC station: Precipitation was measured using a standard rain gauge from an unarchived brand from 1956-1997. This was replaced with a TB4-L Tipping Bucket rain gauge was used from 1997-2009 (Campbell Scientific Inc., Logan, UT, USA). That gauge then replaced with a GeonorT-200B in 2009 (GEONOR Inc., Augusta, NJ, USA). Snow depth was measured by hand (Brown et al., 2003) from 1953 to 2001. After 2001, it was measured using an acoustic snow-depth sensor (Judd Communications-TM LLC, Salt Lake City, UT) beginning in 1998. Temperature was measured using a max/min thermometer from an unarchived brand from 1953 to 1985, a Mmts Electronic Sensor from an unarchived brand from 1985 to 1997 and a Vaisala HMP50-L Temperature/Relative Humidity sensor from 1997 to present (Vaisala Corporation, Helsinki, Finland). Barometric Pressure was measured with a Vaisala PTB110 Barometer (Vaisala Corporation, Helsinki, Finland). Relative humidity was measured with a Vaisala HMP50-L Temperature/Relative Humidity sensor. Solar radiation was measured with a Li-Cor LI200X-L Pyranometer Shortwave sensor. Wind speed is measured with a R.M. Young Wind Monitor 05103-L Daily temperature measurements were recorded by hand until 1985, precipitation measurements were recorded by hand until 1997, and snow depth measurements were recorded by hand until 2001. They were logged after these dates. Temperature measurements were logged as daily/hourly averages; precipitation, snow depth, and snow water equivalent were logged with their end-of-day amounts Tower 1: Temperature was measured using a Vaisala HMP50-L Temperature/Relative Humidity sensor from 1997 to present (Vaisala Corporation, Helsinki, Finland). Barometric Pressure was measured with a Vaisala PTB110 Barometer (Vaisala Corporation, Helsinki, Finland). Relative humidity was measured with a Vaisala HMP50-L Temperature/Relative Humidity sensor. Solar radiation was measured with a Li-Cor LI200X-L Pyranometer Shortwave sensor. Wind speed is measured with a R.M. Young Wind Monitor 05103-L Temperature measurements were logged as daily/hourly averages; precipitation, snow depth, and snow water equivalent were logged with their end-of-day amounts Tower 3: Temperature was measured using a Vaisala HMP50-L Temperature/Relative Humidity sensor from 1997 to present (Vaisala Corporation, Helsinki, Finland). Barometric Pressure was measured with a Vaisala PTB110 Barometer (Vaisala Corporation, Helsinki, Finland). Relative humidity was measured with a Vaisala HMP50-L Temperature/Relative Humidity sensor. Solar radiation was measured with a Li-Cor LI200X-L Pyranometer Shortwave sensor. Wind speed is measured with a R.M. Young Wind Monitor 05103-L Temperature measurements were logged as daily/hourly averages; precipitation, snow depth, and snow water equivalent were logged with their end-of-day amounts Tower 4: Outlier/error values varied by instrument type and occurred due to various factors including instrument dysfunction, illogical values, or failed consistency. Erroneous values were determined using thresholds of what is considered realistic ranges for the region where Sagehen Creek is located. These values were replaced with NaN values, which were then gap-filled if data was available with either linear interpolation or data from other stations (see process notes). Outliers were only excluded if they were excessively unrealistic (e.g. a 30 C average temperature recording in December) Study instruments have not been tested. The following instruments were used for data collection: Temperature was measured using a Vaisala HMP50-L Temperature/Relative Humidity sensor from 1997 to present (Vaisala Corporation, Helsinki, Finland). Barometric Pressure was measured with a Vaisala PTB110 Barometer (Vaisala Corporation, Helsinki, Finland). Relative humidity was measured with a Vaisala HMP50-L Temperature/Relative Humidity sensor. Solar radiation was measured with a Li-Cor LI200X-L Pyranometer Shortwave sensor. Wind speed is measured with a R.M. Young Wind Monitor 05103-L Temperature measurements were logged as daily/hourly averages; precipitation, snow depth, and snow water equivalent were logged with their end-of-day amounts Logical_Consistency_Report: For the temperature data collected by SNOTEL stations 539, 540, and 541, bias was adjusted using Harms et al 2016 methodology Completeness_Report: SNOTEL 539: In the level 1 daily dataset: 1. Precipitation: 0% missing data 2. Snow Depth: 0% missing data 3. Snow Water Equivalent: 0% missing data 4. Avg Air Temperature: 2.0% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 5. Max Air Temperature: 4.4% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 6. Min Air Temperature: 2.3% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset In the level 1 hourly dataset: 1. Precipitation: 0.4% missing data, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 2. Obs Air Temperature: 1.1% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 3. 5 cm Soil Moisture: 0.01% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 4. 20 cm Soil Moisture : 0.06% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 5. 50 cm Soil Moisture: 0.06% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset SNOTEL 540: Level 1 data has undergone QA/QC methodology but not gap filled. Level 2 data has undergone QA/QC methodology and gap filled. In the level 1 daily dataset: 1. Precipitation: 0% missing data 2. Snow Depth: 0% missing data 3. Snow Water Equivalent: 0.2% missing data 4. Avg Air Temperature: 1.2% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 5. Max Air Temperature: 1.7% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 6. Min Air Temperature: 1.4% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset In the level 1 hourly dataset: 1. Precipitation: 0.33% missing data, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 2. Obs Air Temperature: 3.3% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 3. 5 cm Soil Moisture: 1.5% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 4. 20 cm Soil Moisture : 0.06% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 5. 50 cm Soil Moisture: 0.06% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset SNOTEL 541: In the level 1 daily dataset: 1. Precipitation: 0% missing data 2. Snow Depth: 0.5% missing data 3. Snow Water Equivalent: 0% missing data 4. Avg Air Temperature: 0.8% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 5. Max Air Temperature: 0.8% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 6. Min Air Temperature: 2.2% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset In the level 1 hourly dataset: 1. Precipitation: 3.2% missing data, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 2. Obs Air Temperature: 0.8% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 3. 5 cm Soil Moisture: 0.10% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 4. 20 cm Soil Moisture : 4.28% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 5. 50 cm Soil Moisture: 0.1% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset WRCC Station: In the level 1 daily dataset: 1. Precipitation: 0% missing data 2. Snow Depth: 0% missing data 3. Avg Air Temperature: 48.2% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 5. Max Air Temperature: 31.6% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 6. Min Air Temperature: 31.8% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset In the level 1 hourly dataset: 1. Precipitation: 8.7% missing data, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 2. Avg Air Temperature: 3.7% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 3. Max Air Temperature: 16.9% missing, which was 2% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 4. Min Air Temperature: 17.1% missing, which was 2% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 5. Average Relative Humidity: 5.8% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 6. Maximum Relative Humidity: 5.2% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 7. Minimum Relative Humidity: 5.2% missing, which was % gap filled in the level 2 dataset 8. Wind Speed: 3.5% missing, which was 43.0% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 9. Solar Radiation: 3.5% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 10. Barometric Pressure: 5.7% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset Tower 1: 1. Avg Air Temperature 100 ft: 3.1% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 2. Avg Air Temperature 25 ft: 3.2% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 3. Average Relative Humidity 25ft: 3.1% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 4. Average Relative Humidity 100 ft: 3.1% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 5. Average Wind Speed 25ft: 3.2% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 6. Average Wind Speed 100ft: 3.2% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 7. Maximum Wind Speed 25ft: 3.2% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 8. Maximum Wind Speed 100ft: 3.2% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 9. Solar Radiation: 3.1% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 10. Barometric Pressure: 5.1% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset Tower 3: 1. Avg Air Temperature 100 ft: 26.2% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 2. Avg Air Temperature 25 ft: 26.0% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 3. Max Air Temperature 100 ft: 26.2% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 4. Max Air Temperature 25 ft: 26.0% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 5. Min Air Temperature 100 ft: 26.2% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 6. Min Air Temperature 25 ft: 26.0% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 7. Average Relative Humidity 25ft: 30.8% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 8. Average Relative Humidity 100 ft: 30.5% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 9. Max Relative Humidity 25ft: 30.8% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 10. Max Relative Humidity 100 ft: 30.5% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 11. Min Relative Humidity 25ft: 30.8% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 12. Min Relative Humidity 100 ft: 30.5% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 13. Average Wind Speed 25ft: 26.1% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 14. Average Wind Speed 100ft: 10.5% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 15. Maximum Wind Speed 25ft: 26.0% missing, which was 97% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 16. Maximum Wind Speed 100ft: 9.9% missing, which was 97% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 17. Solar Radiation: 26.0% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 18. Barometric Pressure: 9.9% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset Tower 4: 1. Avg Air Temperature 100 ft: 41.7% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 2. Avg Air Temperature 25 ft: 41.9% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 3. Max Air Temperature 25 ft: 41.7% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 4. Min Air Temperature 25 ft: 41.7% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 5. Average Relative Humidity 25ft: 50.9% missing, which was 99% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 6. Max Relative Humidity 25ft: 50.9% missing, which was 99% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 7. Min Relative Humidity 25ft: 50.9% missing, which was 99% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 8. Average Wind Speed 25ft: 0.08% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 9. Average Wind Speed 100ft: 0.4% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 10. Maximum Wind Speed 25ft: 0.08% missing, which was 97% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 11. Maximum Wind Speed 100ft: 0.4% missing, which was 97% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 12. Solar Radiation: 41.7% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset 13. Barometric Pressure: 0.07% missing, which was 100% gap filled in the level 2 dataset Lineage: Methodology: Methodology_Type: Field Methodology_Description: Instrumentation: Instrumentation at each station includes a 6 meter (m) tower, a precipitation gage, a telemetry antenna, a snow pillow, and a snow depth sensor. The 6 m tower supports various sensors, a solar panel, and two fiberglass enclosures. One enclosure houses the datalogger and radio telemetry equipment. The other enclosure houses the 12-V marine battery and charging system. Sensors on the tower measure relative humidity, temperature, wind speed, wind direction, wind run, solar radiation, and snow depth. Each tower is grounded to a rod embedded at least 1.2 m in the ground. The precipitation gages are mounted on top of a large log embedded 1.3 m in the ground. The total height of the gage above the ground is 4 m. Each gage utilizes non-toxic, propylene-glycol antifreeze that allows for measurement during winter months when frozen precipitation is common. In addition, a mineral based oil layer covers the liquid in the gauge to help prevent evaporation of the standing water in the gage. A Tedea-Huntleigh load cell weighs the bucket in the gage, and from that measurement the depth of precipitation is determined. The collection orifice is encircled by an Alter-type wind shield. The two high elevation sites contain snow pillows for measuring snow water equivalence (SWE). Each site consists of a set of three, rectangular, steel bladders, 1.2 X 1.5 m each. These bladders are positioned adjacent to each other and plumbed together to form a 2.4 X 3 m pillow. The bladders are filled with the same non-toxic antifreeze used in the precipitation gauges. A net of galvanized, 3/16 inch cable covers the bladders and is bolted down around the edges to prevent large animals from damaging bending or puncturing the metal while attracted to the antifreeze contained within. Plumbing from the pillow connects to a Sensotec pressure transducer that measures pressure exerted on the antifreeze solution by the snowpack; this measurement is then converted to an equivalent water depth (SWE) for that snowpack. Both hourly and daily data are recorded by the data logger. Shapefiles included in this data publication provide location of instrumentation as well as watershed boundaries. Methodology_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: United States Department of Agriculture Publication_Date: 2014 Title: Part 622 Snow Survey and Water Supply Forecasting National Engineering Handbook Online_Linkage: Process_Step: Process_Description: Digital data were downloaded onto a computer and first reviewed for quality assurance. Data that did not meet the quality thresholds was removed and replaced with a NaN value. Snow Depth: low of 0 cm; all snow data from July 1st to September 30th changed to 0 cm Snow Water Equivalent: low of 0 mm; all snow data from July 1st to September 30th changed to 0 mm Air temperature: low of -30 and high of 40 degrees Celsius Soil Moisture: low of 0.01 (and 0% values changed to 0.01%) and high of 100% Cumulative Precipitation: low of 0 mm; for the WRCC hourly precipitation only: we use daily totals for P to make sure our annual sums are correct. We then normalize hourly precipitation for each day. Hourly SWE data was used to confirm increases in precipitation assigned to the hourly weight, i.e. hourly increases in SWE matched hourly increases in P. If SWE and P confirmed hourly weighting in that day, the normalized values were multiplied by the daily precipitation to create the hourly precipitation record. If P and SWE hourly data did not match but there was daily precipitation, than the hourly SWE data was normalized and used to distribute the daily precipitation amount. In cases where precipitation was >0 but SWE was <=0, then hourly precipitation was assume equal. All accumulated precipitation values were forced to be equal or greater thant he previous time step . Wind Speed: low of 0 m/s and high of 25 m/s Solar Radiation: low of 0 W/m2 and high of 2500 W/m2 Barometric Pressure: low of 800 mbar Process_Step: Process_Description: All Daily and Hourly Variables: Linear interpolation was performed on gaps before the two closest data points. The size of gaps where this was performed was no more than 3 days for daily data or 12 hours for hourly data. These gaps were flagged with 'ELI' for Estimate with Linear Interpolation Process_Step: Process_Description: Hourly and Daily Snow Depth, SWE, Air Temperature, Soil Moisture: Gaps bigger than 3 days for daily data or 12 hours for hourly data were filled with data from other stations. The station used was determined by taking the R^2 between the station to be gap filled and other stations with compatible data. The station with the highest R^2 is then used to fill the gaps first. Any remaining gaps are filled with the next highest and so on. The gaps are given two flags. One flag is either EHC (or "Estimate with High Confidence) for data where the R^2 is greater than 90%, EMC (or "Estimate with Medium Confidence") for data where the R^2 is between 75% and 90%, or ELC (or "Estimate with Low Confidence") for data where the R^2 is between 50% and 75%. R^2s that were less than 50% were not used to gap fill data at all. In addition to the confidence flag, there is also a flag indicating the station that was used to fill the data. Measured values get an M flag (for "Measured") Process_Step: Process_Description: Hourly Cumulative Precipitation: We use daily totals for P to make sure our annual sums are correct. We then normalize hourly precipitation for each day. Hourly SWE data was used to confirm increases in precipitation assigned to the hourly weight, i.e. hourly increases in SWE matched hourly increases in P. If SWE and P confirmed hourly weighting in that day, the normalized values were multiplied by the daily precipitation to create the hourly precipitation record. If P and SWE hourly data did not match but there was daily precipitation, than the hourly SWE data was normalized and used to distribute the daily precipitation amount. In cases where precipitation was >0 but SWE was <=0, then hourly precipitation was assume equal. All accumulated precipitation values were forced to be equal or greater thant he previous time step . Back to Top Entity_and_Attribute_Information: Overview_Description: Entity_and_Attribute_Overview: Below is a list and complete description of the data files this metadata refers to. SNOTEL 539: df539_daily_lvl1.csv: Comma delimited .csv for SNOTEL 539 daily level 1 values only. Variables are described below: Date = date of measurement (Month/Day/Year) swe_mm_539 = daily snow water equivalent (milimeters) sd_cm_539 = daily snow depth (centimeters) precip_mm_539 = daily cumulative precipitation avgtemp_C_539 = daily average temperature (degrees Celsius) maxtemp_C_539 = daily maximum temperature (degrees Celsius) mintemp_C_539 = daily minimum temperature (degrees Celsius) df539_daily_lvl2.csv: Comma delimited .csv for SNOTEL 539 daily level 2 values only. Variables are described below: Date = date of measurement (Month/Day/Year) swe_mm_539 = daily snow water equivalent (milimeters) sd_cm_539 = daily snow depth (centimeters) precip_mm_539 = daily cumulative precipitation avgtemp_C_539 = daily average temperature (degrees Celsius) maxtemp_C_539 = daily maximum temperature (degrees Celsius) mintemp_C_539 = daily minimum temperature (degrees Celsius) swe_mm_539_flags = flags for daily snow water equivalent (milimeters) based on gap fill methodology (see Process Notes for flag descriptions) sd_cm_539_flags = flags for daily snow depth (centimeters) based on gap fill methodology (see Process Notes for flag descriptions) precip_mm_539_flags = flags for daily cumulative precipitation based on gap fill methodology (see Process Notes for flag descriptions) avgtemp_C_539_flags = flags for daily average temperature (degrees Celsius) based on gap fill methodology (see Process Notes for flag descriptions) maxtemp_C_539_flags = flags for daily maximum temperature (degrees Celsius) based on gap fill methodology (see Process Notes for flag descriptions) mintemp_C_539_flags = flags for daily minimum temperature (degrees Celsius) based on gap fill methodology (see Process Notes for flag descriptions) swe_mm_539_flags = flags for daily snow water equivalent (milimeters) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) sd_cm_539_flags = flags for daily snow depth (centimeters) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes precip_mm_539_flags = flags for daily cumulative precipitation indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) avgtemp_C_539_flags = flags for daily average temperature (degrees Celsius) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) maxtemp_C_539_flags = flags for daily maximum temperature (degrees Celsius) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) mintemp_C_539_flags = flags for daily minimum temperature (degrees Celsius) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) df539_hourly_lvl1.csv: Comma delimited .csv for SNOTEL 539 hourly level 1 values only. Variables are described below: Date = date of measurement (Month/Day/Year Hour:Minute) precip_mm_539 = hourly cumulative precipitation obstemp_C_539 = hourly observed temperature (degrees Celsius) sd_5cm_pct_539 = hourly shallow (5cm) soil moisture (%) sd_20cm_pct_539 = hourly mid (20cm) soil moisture (%) sd_50cm_pct_539 = hourly deep (5cm) soil moisture (%) df539_hourly_lvl2.csv: Comma delimited .csv for SNOTEL 539 hourly level 2 values only. Variables are described below: Date = date of measurement (Month/Day/Year Hour:Minute) precip_mm_539 = hourly cumulative precipitation obstemp_C_539 = hourly observed temperature (degrees Celsius) sd_5cm_pct_539 = hourly shallow (5cm) soil moisture (%) sd_20cm_pct_539 = hourly mid (20cm) soil moisture (%) sd_50cm_pct_539 = hourly deep (5cm) soil moisture (%) precip_mm_539_flags = flags for hourly cumulative precipitation based on gap fill methodology (see Process Notes for flag descriptions) obstemp_C_539_flags = flags for hourly observed temperature (degrees Celsius) based on gap fill methodology (see Process Notes for flag descriptions) sd_5cm_pct_539_flags = flags for hourly shallow (5cm) soil moisture (%) based on gap fill methodology (see Process Notes for flag descriptions) sd_20cm_pct_539_flags = flags for hourly mid (20cm) soil moisture (%) based on gap fill methodology (see Process Notes for flag descriptions) sd_50cm_pct_539_flags = flags for hourly deep (5cm) soil moisture (%) based on gap fill methodology (see Process Notes for flag descriptions) precip_mm_539_inst = flags for hourly cumulative precipitation indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) obstemp_C_539_inst = flags for hourly observed temperature (degrees Celsius) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) sd_5cm_pct_539_inst = flags for hourly shallow (5cm) soil moisture (%) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) sd_20cm_pct_539_inst = flags for hourly mid (20cm) soil moisture (%) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) sd_50cm_pct_539_inst = flags for hourly deep (5cm) soil moisture (%) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) SNOTEL 540: df540_daily_lvl1.csv: Comma delimited .csv for SNOTEL 540 daily level 1 values only. Variables are described below: Date = date of measurement (Month/Day/Year) swe_mm_540 = daily snow water equivalent (milimeters) sd_cm_540 = daily snow depth (centimeters) precip_mm_540 = daily cumulative precipitation avgtemp_C_540 = daily average temperature (degrees Celsius) maxtemp_C_540 = daily maximum temperature (degrees Celsius) mintemp_C_540 = daily minimum temperature (degrees Celsius) df540_daily_lvl2.csv: Comma delimited .csv for SNOTEL 540 daily level 2 values only. Variables are described below: Date = date of measurement (Month/Day/Year) swe_mm_540 = daily snow water equivalent (milimeters) sd_cm_540 = daily snow depth (centimeters) precip_mm_540 = daily cumulative precipitation avgtemp_C_540 = daily average temperature (degrees Celsius) maxtemp_C_540 = daily maximum temperature (degrees Celsius) mintemp_C_540 = daily minimum temperature (degrees Celsius) swe_mm_540_flags = flags for daily snow water equivalent (milimeters) based on gap fill methodology (see Process Notes for flag descriptions) sd_cm_540_flags = flags for daily snow depth (centimeters) based on gap fill methodology (see Process Notes for flag descriptions) precip_mm_540_flags = flags for daily cumulative precipitation based on gap fill methodology (see Process Notes for flag descriptions) avgtemp_C_540_flags = flags for daily average temperature (degrees Celsius) based on gap fill methodology (see Process Notes for flag descriptions) maxtemp_C_540_flags = flags for daily maximum temperature (degrees Celsius) based on gap fill methodology (see Process Notes for flag descriptions) mintemp_C_540_flags = flags for daily minimum temperature (degrees Celsius) based on gap fill methodology (see Process Notes for flag descriptions) swe_mm_540_flags = flags for daily snow water equivalent (milimeters) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) sd_cm_540_flags = flags for daily snow depth (centimeters) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes precip_mm_540_flags = flags for daily cumulative precipitation indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) avgtemp_C_540_flags = flags for daily average temperature (degrees Celsius) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) maxtemp_C_540_flags = flags for daily maximum temperature (degrees Celsius) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) mintemp_C_540_flags = flags for daily minimum temperature (degrees Celsius) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) df540_hourly_lvl1.csv: Comma delimited .csv for SNOTEL 540 hourly level 1 values only. Variables are described below: precip_mm_540 = hourly cumulative precipitation obstemp_C_540 = hourly observed temperature (degrees Celsius) sd_5cm_pct_540 = hourly shallow (5cm) soil moisture (%) sd_20cm_pct_540 = hourly mid (20cm) soil moisture (%) sd_50cm_pct_540 = hourly deep (5cm) soil moisture (%) df540_hourly_lvl2.csv: Comma delimited .csv for SNOTEL 540 hourly level 2 values only. Variables are described below: Date = date of measurement (Month/Day/Year Hour:Minute) precip_mm_540 = hourly cumulative precipitation obstemp_C_540 = hourly observed temperature (degrees Celsius) sd_5cm_pct_540 = hourly shallow (5cm) soil moisture (%) sd_20cm_pct_540 = hourly mid (20cm) soil moisture (%) sd_50cm_pct_540 = hourly deep (5cm) soil moisture (%) precip_mm_540_flags = flags for hourly cumulative precipitation based on gap fill methodology (see Process Notes for flag descriptions) obstemp_C_540_flags = flags for hourly observed temperature (degrees Celsius) based on gap fill methodology (see Process Notes for flag descriptions) sd_5cm_pct_540_flags = flags for hourly shallow (5cm) soil moisture (%) based on gap fill methodology (see Process Notes for flag descriptions) sd_20cm_pct_540_flags = flags for hourly mid (20cm) soil moisture (%) based on gap fill methodology (see Process Notes for flag descriptions) sd_50cm_pct_540_flags = flags for hourly deep (5cm) soil moisture (%) based on gap fill methodology (see Process Notes for flag descriptions) precip_mm_540_inst = flags for hourly cumulative precipitation indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) obstemp_C_540_inst = flags for hourly observed temperature (degrees Celsius) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) sd_5cm_pct_540_inst = flags for hourly shallow (5cm) soil moisture (%) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) sd_20cm_pct_540_inst = flags for hourly mid (20cm) soil moisture (%) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) sd_50cm_pct_540_inst = flags for hourly deep (5cm) soil moisture (%) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) SNOTEL 541: df541_daily_lvl1.csv: Comma delimited .csv for SNOTEL 541 daily level 1 values only. Variables are described below: Date = date of measurement (Month/Day/Year) swe_mm_541 = daily snow water equivalent (milimeters) sd_cm_541 = daily snow depth (centimeters) precip_mm_541 = daily cumulative precipitation avgtemp_C_541 = daily average temperature (degrees Celsius) maxtemp_C_541 = daily maximum temperature (degrees Celsius) mintemp_C_541 = daily minimum temperature (degrees Celsius) df541_daily_lvl2.csv: Comma delimited .csv for SNOTEL 541 daily level 2 values only. Variables are described below: Date = date of measurement (Month/Day/Year) swe_mm_541 = daily snow water equivalent (milimeters) sd_cm_541 = daily snow depth (centimeters) precip_mm_541 = daily cumulative precipitation avgtemp_C_541 = daily average temperature (degrees Celsius) maxtemp_C_541 = daily maximum temperature (degrees Celsius) mintemp_C_541 = daily minimum temperature (degrees Celsius) swe_mm_541_flags = flags for daily snow water equivalent (milimeters) based on gap fill methodology (see Process Notes for flag descriptions) sd_cm_541_flags = flags for daily snow depth (centimeters) based on gap fill methodology (see Process Notes for flag descriptions) precip_mm_541_flags = flags for daily cumulative precipitation based on gap fill methodology (see Process Notes for flag descriptions) avgtemp_C_541_flags = flags for daily average temperature (degrees Celsius) based on gap fill methodology (see Process Notes for flag descriptions) maxtemp_C_541_flags = flags for daily maximum temperature (degrees Celsius) based on gap fill methodology (see Process Notes for flag descriptions) mintemp_C_541_flags = flags for daily minimum temperature (degrees Celsius) based on gap fill methodology (see Process Notes for flag descriptions) swe_mm_541_flags = flags for daily snow water equivalent (milimeters) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) sd_cm_541_flags = flags for daily snow depth (centimeters) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes precip_mm_541_flags = flags for daily cumulative precipitation indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) avgtemp_C_541_flags = flags for daily average temperature (degrees Celsius) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) maxtemp_C_541_flags = flags for daily maximum temperature (degrees Celsius) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) mintemp_C_541_flags = flags for daily minimum temperature (degrees Celsius) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) df541_hourly_lvl1.csv: Comma delimited .csv for SNOTEL 541 hourly level 1 values only. Variables are described below: precip_mm_541 = hourly cumulative precipitation obstemp_C_541 = hourly observed temperature (degrees Celsius) sd_5cm_pct_541 = hourly shallow (5cm) soil moisture (%) sd_20cm_pct_541 = hourly mid (20cm) soil moisture (%) sd_50cm_pct_541 = hourly deep (5cm) soil moisture (%) df541_hourly_lvl2.csv: Comma delimited .csv for SNOTEL 541 hourly level 2 values only. Variables are described below: Date = date of measurement (Month/Day/Year Hour:Minute) precip_mm_541 = hourly cumulative precipitation obstemp_C_541 = hourly observed temperature (degrees Celsius) sd_5cm_pct_541 = hourly shallow (5cm) soil moisture (%) sd_20cm_pct_541 = hourly mid (20cm) soil moisture (%) sd_50cm_pct_541 = hourly deep (5cm) soil moisture (%) precip_mm_541_flags = flags for hourly cumulative precipitation based on gap fill methodology (see Process Notes for flag descriptions) obstemp_C_541_flags = flags for hourly observed temperature (degrees Celsius) based on gap fill methodology (see Process Notes for flag descriptions) sd_5cm_pct_541_flags = flags for hourly shallow (5cm) soil moisture (%) based on gap fill methodology (see Process Notes for flag descriptions) sd_20cm_pct_541_flags = flags for hourly mid (20cm) soil moisture (%) based on gap fill methodology (see Process Notes for flag descriptions) sd_50cm_pct_541_flags = flags for hourly deep (5cm) soil moisture (%) based on gap fill methodology (see Process Notes for flag descriptions) precip_mm_541_inst = flags for hourly cumulative precipitation indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) obstemp_C_541_inst = flags for hourly observed temperature (degrees Celsius) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) sd_5cm_pct_541_inst = flags for hourly shallow (5cm) soil moisture (%) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) sd_20cm_pct_541_inst = flags for hourly mid (20cm) soil moisture (%) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) sd_50cm_pct_541_inst = flags for hourly deep (5cm) soil moisture (%) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) WRCC Station: dfwrcc_daily_lvl1.csv: Comma delimited .csv for SNOTEL wrcc daily level 1 values only. Variables are described below: Date = date of measurement (Month/Day/Year) sd_cm_wrcc = daily snow depth (centimeters) precip_mm_wrcc = daily precipitation increment avgtemp_C_wrcc = daily average temperature (degrees Celsius) maxtemp_C_wrcc = daily maximum temperature (degrees Celsius) mintemp_C_wrcc = daily minimum temperature (degrees Celsius) dfwrcc_daily_lvl2.csv: Comma delimited .csv for SNOTEL wrcc daily level 2 values only. Variables are described below: Date = date of measurement (Month/Day/Year) sd_cm_wrcc = daily snow depth (centimeters) precip_mm_wrcc = daily precipitation increment avgtemp_C_wrcc = daily average temperature (degrees Celsius) maxtemp_C_wrcc = daily maximum temperature (degrees Celsius) mintemp_C_wrcc = daily minimum temperature (degrees Celsius) sd_cm_wrcc_flags = flags for daily snow depth (centimeters) based on gap fill methodology (see Process Notes for flag descriptions) precip_mm_wrcc_flags = flags for daily cumulative precipitation based on gap fill methodology (see Process Notes for flag descriptions) avgtemp_C_wrcc_flags = flags for daily average temperature (degrees Celsius) based on gap fill methodology (see Process Notes for flag descriptions) maxtemp_C_wrcc_flags = flags for daily maximum temperature (degrees Celsius) based on gap fill methodology (see Process Notes for flag descriptions) mintemp_C_wrcc_flags = flags for daily minimum temperature (degrees Celsius) based on gap fill methodology (see Process Notes for flag descriptions) sd_cm_wrcc_inst = flags for daily snow depth (centimeters) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes precip_mm_wrcc_inst = flags for daily cumulative precipitation indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) avgtemp_C_wrcc_inst = flags for daily average temperature (degrees Celsius) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) maxtemp_C_wrcc_inst = flags for daily maximum temperature (degrees Celsius) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) mintemp_C_wrcc_inst = flags for daily minimum temperature (degrees Celsius) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) dfwrcc_hourly_lvl1.csv: Comma delimited .csv for SNOTEL wrcc hourly level 1 values only. Variables are described below: avgtemp_C_wrcc: hourly average temperature (degrees Celsius) maxtemp_C_wrcc: hourly maximum temperature (degrees Celsius) mintemp_C_wrcc: hourly minimum temperature (degrees Celsius) precip_accum_mm_wrcc: hourly cumulative precipitation (mm) RHavg_pct_wrcc: hourly avg. relative humidity (%) RHmax_pct_wrcc: hourly max. relative humidity (%) RHmin_pct_wrcc: hourly min relative humidity (%) ws_ms_wrcc: hourly wind speed (m/s) srad_Wm2_wrcc: hourly solar radiation (W/m2) BP_mbar_wrcc: hourly barometric pressure (mbar) dfwrcc_hourly_lvl2.csv: Comma delimited .csv for SNOTEL wrcc hourly level 2 values only. Variables are described below: avgtemp_C_wrcc: hourly average temperature (degrees Celsius) maxtemp_C_wrcc: hourly maximum temperature (degrees Celsius) mintemp_C_wrcc: hourly minimum temperature (degrees Celsius) precip_accum_mm_wrcc: hourly cumulative precipitation (mm) RHavg_pct_wrcc: hourly avg. relative humidity (%) RHmax_pct_wrcc: hourly max. relative humidity (%) RHmin_pct_wrcc: hourly min relative humidity (%) ws_ms_wrcc: hourly wind speed (m/s) srad_Wm2_wrcc: hourly solar radiation (W/m2) BP_mbar_wrcc: hourly barometric pressure (mbar) avgtemp_C_wrcc_flags: flags for hourly average temperature (degrees Celsius) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) maxtemp_C_wrcc_flags: flags for hourly maximum temperature (degrees Celsius) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) mintemp_C_wrcc_flags: flags for hourly minimum temperature (degrees Celsius) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) precip_accum_mm_wrcc_flags: flags for hourly average precipitation (mm) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) RHavg_pct_wrcc_flags: flags for hourly average realtive humidity (%) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) RHmax_pct_wrcc_flags: flags for hourly maximum relative humidity (%) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) RHmin_pct_wrcc_flags: flags for hourly minimum relative humidity (%) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) ws_ms_wrcc_flags: flags for hourly wind speed (m/s) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) srad_Wm2_wrcc_flags: flags for hourly solar radiation (W/m2) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) BP_mbar_wrcc_flags: flags for hourly barometric pressure (mbar) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) avgtemp_C_wrcc_inst: flags for average temperature (degrees Celsius) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) maxtemp_C_wrcc_inst: flags for hourly maximum temperature (degrees Celsius) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) mintemp_C_wrcc_inst: flags for hourly minimum temperature (degrees Celsius) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) precip_accum_mm_wrcc_inst: flags for hourly average precipitation (mm) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) RHavg_pct_wrcc_inst: flags for hourly average realtive humidity (%) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) RHmax_pct_wrcc_inst: flags for hourly maximum relative humidity (%) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) RHmin_pct_wrcc_inst: flags for hourly minimum relative humidity (%)indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) ws_ms_wrcc_inst: flags for hourly wind speed (m/s) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) srad_Wm2_wrcc_inst: flags for hourly solar radiation (W/m2) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) BP_mbar_wrcc_inst: flags for hourly barometric pressure (mbar) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (see Process Notes) Tower 1: tower1_lvl1.csv: Comma delimited .csv for SNOTEL tower 1 hourly level 1 values. Variables are described below: avgtemp_C_t1_25ft: hourly avg. temperature (deg C) 25 ft avgtemp_C_t1_100ft: hourly avg. temperature (deg C) 100 ft RHavg_pct_t1_25ft: hourly avg. relative humidity (%) 25 ft RHavg_pct_t1_100ft: hourly avg. relative humidity (%) 100 ft ws_ms_t1_25ft: hourly wind speed (m/s) 25 ft ws_ms_t1_100ft: hourly wind speed (m/s) 100 ft maxws_ms_t1_25ft: maximum hourly wind speed (m/s) 25 ft ws_ms_t1_100ft: maximum hourly wind speed (m/s) 100 ft srad_Wm2_t1: hourly solar radiation (W/m2) BP_mbar_t1: hourly barometric pressure (mbar) tower1_lvl2.csv: Comma delimited .csv for tower 1 hourly level 2 values. Variables are described below: avgtemp_C_t1_25ft: hourly avg. temperature (deg C) 25 ft avgtemp_C_t1_100ft: hourly avg. temperature (deg C) 100 ft RHavg_pct_t1_25ft: hourly avg. relative humidity (%) 25 ft RHavg_pct_t1_100ft: hourly avg. relative humidity (%) 100 ft ws_ms_t1_25ft: hourly wind speed (m/s) 25 ft ws_ms_t1_100ft: hourly wind speed (m/s) 100 ft maxws_ms_t1_25ft: maximum hourly wind speed (m/s) 25 ft ws_ms_t1_100ft: maximum hourly wind speed (m/s) 100 ft srad_Wm2_t1: hourly solar radiation (W/m2) BP_mbar_t1: hourly barometric pressure (mbar) avgtemp_C_t1_25ft_flags: flags for hourly avg. temperature (deg C) 25 ft (See Process Notes) avgtemp_C_t1_100ft_flags: flags for hourly avg. temperature (deg C) 100 ft (See Process Notes) RHavg_pct_t1_25ft_flags: flags for hourly avg. relative humidity (%) 25 ft (See Process Notes) RHavg_pct_t1_100ft_flags: flags for hourly avg. relative humidity (%) 100 ft (See Process Notes) ws_ms_t1_25ft_flags: flags for hourly wind speed (m/s) 25 ft (See Process Notes) ws_ms_t1_100ft_flags: flags for hourly wind speed (m/s) 100 ft (See Process Notes) maxws_ms_t1_25ft_flags: flags for maximum hourly wind speed (m/s) 25 ft (See Process Notes) ws_ms_t1_100ft_flags: flags for maximum hourly wind speed (m/s) 100 ft (See Process Notes) srad_Wm2_t1_flags: flags for hourly solar radiation (W/m2) (See Process Notes) BP_mbar_t1_flags: flags for hourly barometric pressure (mbar) (See Process Notes) avgtemp_C_t1_25ft_inst: flags for hourly avg. temperature (deg C) 25 ft indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (See Process Notes) avgtemp_C_t1_100ft_inst: flags for hourly avg. temperature (deg C) 100 ft indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (See Process Notes) RHavg_pct_t1_25ft_inst: flags for hourly avg. relative humidity (%) 25 ft indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (See Process Notes) RHavg_pct_t1_100ft_inst: flags for hourly avg. relative humidity (%) 100 ft indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (See Process Notes) ws_ms_t1_25ft_inst: flags for hourly wind speed (m/s) 25 ft indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (See Process Notes) ws_ms_t1_100ft_inst: flags for hourly wind speed (m/s) 100 ft indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (See Process Notes) maxws_ms_t1_25ft_inst: flags for maximum hourly wind speed (m/s) 25 ft indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (See Process Notes) ws_ms_t1_100ft_inst: flags for maximum hourly wind speed (m/s) 100 ft indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (See Process Notes) srad_Wm2_t1_inst: flags for hourly solar radiation (W/m2) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (See Process Notes) BP_mbar_t1_inst: flags for hourly barometric pressure (mbar) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (See Process Notes) Tower 3: tower3_lvl1.csv: Comma delimited .csv for tower 3 hourly level 1 values only. Variables are described below: avgtemp_C_t3_25ft: hourly avg. temperature (deg C) 25 ft avgtemp_C_t3_100ft: hourly avg. temperature (deg C) 100 ft maxtemp_C_t3_25ft: hourly max. temperature (deg C) 25 ft maxtemp_C_t3_100ft: hourly max. temperature (deg C) 100 ft mintemp_C_t3_25ft: hourly min. temperature (deg C) 25 ft mintemp_C_t3_100ft: hourly min. temperature (deg C) 100 ft RHavg_pct_t3_25ft: hourly avg. relative humidity (%) 25 ft RHavg_pct_t3_100ft: hourly avg. relative humidity (%) 100 ft RHmax_pct_t3_25ft: hourly max. relative humidity (%) 25 ft RHmax_pct_t3_100ft: hourly max. relative humidity (%) 100 ft RHmin_pct_t3_25ft: hourly min. relative humidity (%) 25 ft RHmin_pct_t3_100ft: hourly min. relative humidity (%) 100 ft ws_ms_t3_25ft: hourly wind speed (m/s) 25 ft ws_ms_t3_100ft: hourly wind speed (m/s) 100 ft maxws_ms_t3_25ft: maximum hourly wind speed (m/s) 25 ft ws_ms_t3_100ft: maximum hourly wind speed (m/s) 100 ft srad_Wm2_t3: hourly solar radiation (W/m2) BP_mbar_t3: hourly barometric pressure (mbar) tower3_lvl2.csv: Comma delimited .csv for tower 3 hourly level 2 values only. Variables are described below: avgtemp_C_t3_25ft: hourly avg. temperature (deg C) 25 ft avgtemp_C_t3_100ft: hourly avg. temperature (deg C) 100 ft maxtemp_C_t3_25ft: hourly max. temperature (deg C) 25 ft maxtemp_C_t3_100ft: hourly max. temperature (deg C) 100 ft mintemp_C_t3_25ft: hourly min. temperature (deg C) 25 ft mintemp_C_t3_100ft: hourly min. temperature (deg C) 100 ft RHavg_pct_t3_25ft: hourly avg. relative humidity (%) 25 ft RHavg_pct_t3_100ft: hourly avg. relative humidity (%) 100 ft RHmax_pct_t3_25ft: hourly max. relative humidity (%) 25 ft RHmax_pct_t3_100ft: hourly max. relative humidity (%) 100 ft RHmin_pct_t3_25ft: hourly min. relative humidity (%) 25 ft RHmin_pct_t3_100ft: hourly min. relative humidity (%) 100 ft ws_ms_t3_25ft: hourly wind speed (m/s) 25 ft ws_ms_t3_100ft: hourly wind speed (m/s) 100 ft maxws_ms_t3_25ft: maximum hourly wind speed (m/s) 25 ft ws_ms_t3_100ft: maximum hourly wind speed (m/s) 100 ft srad_Wm2_t3: hourly solar radiation (W/m2) BP_mbar_t3: hourly barometric pressure (mbar) avgtemp_C_t3_25ft_flags: flags for hourly avg. temperature (deg C) 25 ft (See Process Notes) avgtemp_C_t3_100ft_flags: flags for hourly avg. temperature (deg C) 100 ft (See Process Notes) maxtemp_C_t3_25ft_flags: flags for hourly max. temperature (deg C) 25 ft (See Process Notes) maxtemp_C_t3_100ft_flags: flags for hourly max. temperature (deg C) 100 ft (See Process Notes) mintemp_C_t3_25ft_flags: flags for hourly min. temperature (deg C) 25 ft (See Process Notes) mintemp_C_t3_100ft_flags: flags for hourly min. temperature (deg C) 100 ft (See Process Notes) RHavg_pct_t3_25ft_flags: flags for hourly avg. relative humidity (%) 25 ft (See Process Notes) RHavg_pct_t3_100ft_flags: flags for hourly avg. relative humidity (%) 100 ft (See Process Notes) RHmax_pct_t3_25ft_flags: flags for hourly max. relative humidity (%) 25 ft (See Process Notes) RHmax_pct_t3_100ft_flags: flags for hourly max. relative humidity (%) 100 ft (See Process Notes) RHmin_pct_t3_25ft_flags: flags for hourly min. relative humidity (%) 25 ft (See Process Notes) RHmin_pct_t3_100ft_flags: flags for hourly min. relative humidity (%) 100 ft (See Process Notes) ws_ms_t3_25ft_flags: flags for hourly wind speed (m/s) 25 ft (See Process Notes) ws_ms_t3_100ft_flags: flags for hourly wind speed (m/s) 100 ft (See Process Notes) maxws_ms_t3_25ft_flags: flags for maximum hourly wind speed (m/s) 25 ft (See Process Notes) ws_ms_t3_100ft_flags: flags for maximum hourly wind speed (m/s) 100 ft (See Process Notes) srad_Wm2_t3_flags: flags for hourly solar radiation (W/m2) (See Process Notes) BP_mbar_t3_flags: flags for hourly barometric pressure (mbar) (See Process Notes) avgtemp_C_t3_25ft_inst: flags for hourly avg. temperature (deg C) 25 ft indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (See Process Notes) avgtemp_C_t3_100ft_inst: flags for hourly avg. temperature (deg C) 100 ft indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (See Process Notes) maxtemp_C_t3_25ft_inst: flags for hourly max. temperature (deg C) 25 ft indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (See Process Notes) maxtemp_C_t3_100ft_inst: flags for hourly max. temperature (deg C) 100 ft indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (See Process Notes) mintemp_C_t3_25ft_inst: flags for hourly min. temperature (deg C) 25 ft indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (See Process Notes) mintemp_C_t3_100ft_inst: flags for hourly min. temperature (deg C) 100 ft indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (See Process Notes) RHavg_pct_t3_25ft_inst: flags for hourly avg. relative humidity (%) 25 ft indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (See Process Notes) RHavg_pct_t3_100ft_inst: flags for hourly avg. relative humidity (%) 100 ft indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (See Process Notes) RHmax_pct_t3_25ft_inst: flags for hourly max. relative humidity (%) 25 ft indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (See Process Notes) RHmax_pct_t3_100ft_inst: flags for hourly max. relative humidity (%) 100 ft indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (See Process Notes) RHmin_pct_t3_25ft_inst: flags for hourly min. relative humidity (%) 25 ft indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (See Process Notes) RHmin_pct_t3_100ft_inst: flags for hourly min. relative humidity (%) 100 ft indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (See Process Notes) ws_ms_t3_25ft_inst: flags for hourly wind speed (m/s) 25 ft indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (See Process Notes) ws_ms_t3_100ft_inst: flags for hourly wind speed (m/s) 100 ft indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (See Process Notes) maxws_ms_t3_25ft_inst: flags for maximum hourly wind speed (m/s) 25 ft indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (See Process Notes) ws_ms_t3_100ft_inst: flags for maximum hourly wind speed (m/s) 100 ft indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (See Process Notes) srad_Wm2_t3_inst: flags for hourly solar radiation (W/m2) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (See Process Notes) BP_mbar_t3_inst: flags for hourly barometric pressure (mbar) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (See Process Notes) Tower 4: tower4_lvl1.csv: Comma delimited .csv for tower 4 hourly level 1 values only. Variables are described below: avgtemp_C_t4_25ft: hourly avg. temperature (deg C) 25 ft avgtemp_C_t4_100ft: hourly avg. temperature (deg C) 100 ft maxtemp_C_t4_25ft: hourly max. temperature (deg C) 25 ft mintemp_C_t4_25ft: hourly min. temperature (deg C) 25 ft RHavg_pct_t4_25ft: hourly avg. relative humidity (%) 25 ft RHmax_pct_t4_25ft: hourly max. relative humidity (%) 25 ft RHmin_pct_t4_25ft: hourly min. relative humidity (%) 25 ft ws_ms_t4_25ft: hourly wind speed (m/s) 25 ft ws_ms_t4_100ft: hourly wind speed (m/s) 100 ft maxws_ms_t4_25ft: maximum hourly wind speed (m/s) 25 ft ws_ms_t4_100ft: maximum hourly wind speed (m/s) 100 ft srad_Wm2_t4: hourly solar radiation (W/m2) BP_mbar_t4: hourly barometric pressure (mbar) tower4_lvl2.csv: Comma delimited .csv for tower 4 hourly level 2 values only. Variables are described below: avgtemp_C_t4_25ft: hourly avg. temperature (deg C) 25 ft avgtemp_C_t4_100ft: hourly avg. temperature (deg C) 100 ft maxtemp_C_t4_25ft: hourly max. temperature (deg C) 25 ft mintemp_C_t4_25ft: hourly min. temperature (deg C) 25 ft RHavg_pct_t4_25ft: hourly avg. relative humidity (%) 25 ft RHmax_pct_t4_25ft: hourly max. relative humidity (%) 25 ft RHmin_pct_t4_25ft: hourly min. relative humidity (%) 25 ft ws_ms_t4_25ft: hourly wind speed (m/s) 25 ft ws_ms_t4_100ft: hourly wind speed (m/s) 100 ft maxws_ms_t4_25ft: maximum hourly wind speed (m/s) 25 ft ws_ms_t4_100ft: maximum hourly wind speed (m/s) 100 ft srad_Wm2_t4: hourly solar radiation (W/m2) BP_mbar_t4: hourly barometric pressure (mbar) avgtemp_C_t4_25ft_flags: flags for hourly avg. temperature (deg C) 25 ft (See Process Notes) avgtemp_C_t4_100ft_flags: flags for hourly avg. temperature (deg C) 100 ft (See Process Notes) maxtemp_C_t4_25ft_flags: flags for hourly max. temperature (deg C) 25 ft (See Process Notes) mintemp_C_t4_25ft_flags: flags for hourly min. temperature (deg C) 25 ft (See Process Notes) RHavg_pct_t4_25ft_flags: flags for hourly avg. relative humidity (%) 25 ft (See Process Notes) RHmax_pct_t4_25ft_flags: flags for hourly max. relative humidity (%) 25 ft (See Process Notes) RHmin_pct_t4_25ft_flags: flags for hourly min. relative humidity (%) 25 ft (See Process Notes) ws_ms_t4_25ft_flags: flags for hourly wind speed (m/s) 25 ft (See Process Notes) ws_ms_t4_100ft_flags: flags for hourly wind speed (m/s) 100 ft (See Process Notes) maxws_ms_t4_25ft_flags: flags for maximum hourly wind speed (m/s) 25 ft (See Process Notes) ws_ms_t4_100ft_flags: flags for maximum hourly wind speed (m/s) 100 ft (See Process Notes) srad_Wm2_t4_flags: flags for hourly solar radiation (W/m2) (See Process Notes) BP_mbar_t4_flags: flags for hourly barometric pressure (mbar) (See Process Notes) avgtemp_C_t4_25ft_inst: flags for hourly avg. temperature (deg C) 25 ft indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (See Process Notes) avgtemp_C_t4_100ft_inst: flags for hourly avg. temperature (deg C) 100 ft indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (See Process Notes) maxtemp_C_t4_25ft_inst: flags for hourly max. temperature (deg C) 25 ft indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (See Process Notes) mintemp_C_t4_25ft_inst: flags for hourly min. temperature (deg C) 25 ft indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (See Process Notes) RHavg_pct_t4_25ft_inst: flags for hourly avg. relative humidity (%) 25 ft indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (See Process Notes) RHmax_pct_t4_25ft_inst: flags for hourly max. relative humidity (%) 25 ft indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (See Process Notes) RHmin_pct_t4_25ft_inst: flags for hourly min. relative humidity (%) 25 ft indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (See Process Notes) ws_ms_t4_25ft_inst: flags for hourly wind speed (m/s) 25 ft indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (See Process Notes) ws_ms_t4_100ft_inst: flags for hourly wind speed (m/s) 100 ft indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (See Process Notes) maxws_ms_t4_25ft_inst: flags for maximum hourly wind speed (m/s) 25 ft indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (See Process Notes) ws_ms_t4_100ft_inst: flags for maximum hourly wind speed (m/s) 100 ft indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (See Process Notes) srad_Wm2_t4_inst: flags for hourly solar radiation (W/m2) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (See Process Notes) BP_mbar_t4_inst: flags for hourly barometric pressure (mbar) indicating instrumentation used for gap fill (See Process Notes)